Wednesday, March 18, 2009

Wedding blogs, design and write ups.

I'm in the midst of planning my October 2009 wedding and have been scouring the web for great wedding blogs and ideas. My head is spinning with DIY projects and wonderful ideas...

I will definitely be incorporating peacock feathers into the design and decoration of the wedding and am thinking blue ball jars with wild flowers and feathers as centerpieces. I should mention that I'm getting married at the summer camp I grew up at in the Malibu mountains and the wedding will be a 3 day camper extravaganza. There is so much to do and I'm both overwhelmed and so excited.

Anyway, more about that later.

So through my wedding web travels I found a great blog called And Stanley Makes Three. We exchanged a few emails and she wrote a great entry about Agapantha. Check it out!

Monday, March 9, 2009

Distractions = good things...

I'm seriously behind. It's not you, it's me. I want to write to you every single day... I just get so busy and distracted.

But alas... good things come out of my distractions.
For instance, there's a newly designed earring that I'm super excited about.

Named for my soon to be sister-in-law Diana.

earring, agapantha, jewelry, gold, brooklyn, indie

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